在im体育APP, 我们帮助您的产品满足通用产品安全法规(GPSR)的安全要求. With comprehensive testing, advisory services, and Notified Body support, we guide you through compliance, reducing time to market and ensuring consumer trust.


是什么 General 产品 Safety Regulation (GPSR) EU/2023/988?

欧盟/2023/988通用产品安全法规(GPSR)使用欧盟通用产品安全法律框架来应对数字化带来的新挑战, 同时确保欧盟市场上的消费品是安全的. GPSR将于2024年12月13日取代现行的通用产品安全指令(2001/95/EC).


Key Benefits of General 产品 Safety Regulation Services

  • Future-Proofed Safety Compliance: 我们确保遵守通用产品安全法规(GPSR), 谁能提供经得起未来考验的安全规则,保护消费者免受不断发展的数字化挑战, whether they purchase products online or offline.
  • Comprehensive 测试 and Support: 我们的第三方测试和支持服务让您确信您的产品安全且符合GPSR要求. 
  • Extensive Notified Body Services: 我们的电气安全测试团队为通用产品安全指令(GPSD)和GPSR提供公告机构服务, providing adherence to safety requirements across directives. We cover a range of directives, including EMC, Radio Equipment, and Explosive Atmospheres, facilitating compliance with diverse safety regulations.
  • End-to-End Support: im体育APP专家指导您完成整个产品生命周期, from initial advisory services to testing, certification, and market access. This streamlined process reduces time to market, ensuring compliance and efficiency every step of the way.


General 产品 Safety Directive GSPD

Unlike many product directives, GPSD指令(2001/95/EC)不要求使用CE标志,但使用了许多相同的原则, 例如选择使用协调标准来提供符合指令安全要求的推定.


General 产品 Safety Regulation 

从2024年12月起,通用产品安全法规(GPSR) EU/2023/988将在欧盟产品安全法律框架内生效,取代现行的通用产品安全指令(2001/95/EC)。. 该法规要求所有进入欧盟市场的消费品都是安全的, 该条例规定了企业确保这一点的具体义务. 


Your 产品 Safety Experts


Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes 

Technical Director - Connected Technologies

Read 更多的 About Steve


通用产品安全指令(2001/95/EC)和GPSR (EU/2023/988)的测试

We provide objective, third-party testing, 和支持,帮助给你信心,你正在安全放置, 兼容的 products in your chosen market. 我们还可以帮助识别与您的产品相关的风险, produce test plans, 或者选择适当的测试标准以避免不必要的遵从性处罚.


General product safety guidance

Because of the broad scope of the directive and regulations, 很难理解它如何应用于你的产品,以及如何证明你的产品是“安全的”。. Through our advisory services, we provide guidance, 建议, 并在产品开发的初始阶段提供支持,以便您可以将适当的安全原则纳入产品设计,从而大大缩短产品上市时间.


Notified Body services



除了与CE标志和其他欧盟产品安全要求相关的服务外,我们还提供 safety testing services for countries around the world. 


Why Choose im体育APP?

im体育APP,我们可以在整个产品生命周期中为您提供支持, reducing time to market and ensuring compliance.

我们是UKAS认证的ISO/IEC 17025:2017,欧洲无线电设备EMC的公告机构 & ATEX Directives, 涵盖英国无线电设备法规的UKCA标志认可机构, EMC法规和潜在爆炸性环境法规, a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) for the US, 加拿大的外国认证机构(FCB)和日本的合格评定机构(CAB). im体育APP is also a certification body under the IECEE CB Scheme.

我们的 Global Market Access 团队可以为产品出口到全球市场提供额外的服务.

Find out more about im体育APP or contact us today.



是什么 the difference between GPSD and GPSR?



  • 经济经营者和亚马逊等在线市场的产品安全义务.
  • Reinforced product traceability requirements
  • Accident reporting to authorities by businesses
  • Reinforced market surveillance rules
  • Rules on handling product recalls, mandatory recall notice template, and right to remedy for consumers
  • Improved guidance

How to get a product tested for safety and pass first time?

Why do so many 产品s Fail Safety 测试? 阅读我们的有用指南,确保您的电气产品第一次通过安全测试.



无线电法规遵从并不是直截了当的,因为仍然有选择和决定要做出, and with that comes potential risks for manufacturers.


Prepare Your 产品s for Successful Wireless Device 测试

本文讨论了我们经常遇到的无线测试场景, how to address potential problems, and what it means for your products and regulatory approvals.


Electrical 产品 Safety: Changes in IEC 62368-1 Edition 4

With the publication of Edition 4 of IEC 62368-1, manufacturers of audio/video, 信息和通信技术设备受到许多规范变化的影响.

making certain for nearly 190 years

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Electrical 产品 Safety 测试

im体育APP是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, 进口商和分销商获得快速有效的产品安全测试和认证,需要在全球范围内交易他们的产品.


CE标志ing and 测试


product certification and approval

产品 Certification and Approvals

im体育APP拥有一支专业的专家团队,在全球各地的办事处提供ISO 17065认证服务.

iec en 61010 1

IEC/EN 61010-1: Electrical Laboratory Equipment 测试

im体育APP provides testing services to IEC/EN 61010-1, ensuring that your electrical measurement, 控制, and laboratory products are safe, 兼容的, and get to global markets faster.


我们的 team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.